Tag Archives: practice

chick corea

Chick Corea Plays Piano Bach Speaks About Learning To Play Piano

This video entitled “Practice” is a very unusual look into the practicing procedure of Chick Corea. He is working on a Bach piece, and while playing, gives a very candid appraisal about his progress and difficulties in learning the piece. It is really a treat watching one of the world’s most renown jazz pianists in a personal practice moment. I like the part when he says, “I goof up right in here”.


This is a great video to see how to practice effectively and efficiently. Chick plays very methodically and carefully. Notice how he works on each hand separately and slowly. He checks what he is playing and corrects his mistakes as he goes, and works with his fingering. When students are first learning a piece, accuracy is very important. You want to learn the piece right, so subsequent practice sessions are not interrupted by having to correct notes, and the focus can be getting the rhythm solid, and increasing the speed of the piece.

Anyone taking piano lessons will enjoy seeing how even master pianists can struggle with learning new pieces. Students often feel that their progress is not what it should be, but in reality, progress is just a matter of moving from where you are, to where you are going. There is no “supposed” timeline of how quickly a student should progress. Progress happens. The rate of progress is just what it is.