Tag Archives: playing piano

haiku piano lessons


piano lessons portland haiku
H a i k u  Piano

  clashing notes fill me
the room is spinning again
i am beginner

  what is there to do

but keep playing piano
the earth stops spinning

wishing i had time

to start my dream of playing

thousand mile journey

 when i discover

how to hit all the right notes

i will then know peace

 i place my hands down

twitching movements gives me pause

beauty then arises 

in the morning breeze

drifting sounds slowly wash me
my neighbors chopin 

the more i practice

the more i so encounter

the long road ahead

 nothing sounds as sweet

as the bell tones in my ears

from my new piano

•  •  •

kids piano keyboard lessons


Piano Lessons & Keyboard Lessons
Portland, Oregon


Having fun is the best way to get students relaxed and ready to learn new things at the studio. There are so many wonderful pieces of music to learn, from Bach to Beatles to Ben Fold. Reading music, playing by ear, blues improvisation, learning about melodies and chords, recording a video animation with music; there’s always something exciting to work on. Playing piano is a great way to take time off from the busy world and do something for yourself. Kids have lots of fun; so do adults.

children piano keyboard lessons


"Fabulous teacher, fun Lessons. My son just loves playing the piano. He has learned very quickly. In addition to reading music, he learns to play by ear, does theory, and compose his own music (he is thrilled with this). He also likes playing songs and singing. He looks forward to lessons each week. He leaves the lessons excited and proud of his accomplishments. 

His teacher is really patient, and makes sure the lessons are lots of fun. My son gets to play a wide variety of music. A great teacher makes all the difference in the world. Music lessons are important to a child's development. I totally recommend these lessons." - Angie Rhodes
"A great teacher in Portland for both my kids. They love the lessons‎. We spent some time looking for the right teacher, and we found this one. We wanted to make sure that our kids would have a positive and fun experience learning to play piano. We talked to friends whose kids were taking lessons, looked at reviews, and interviewed a couple of teachers in person. We are really happy with our decision. My children love taking lessons, are progressing quickly. Their teacher is so skilled at working with kids and they think he is really cool." - T. Tullis‎
"Perfect match for my son. He loves playing the piano. We interviewed and met with several teachers here in Portland. Finding the perfect match for my son was important. We picked this teacher and got started. Right away, my son took to the lessons. He began reading music the first day, and progressed to classical, pop and blues. He's working on playing by ear, and gets to record multi track versions of songs and make his own CD's. How cool is that! Our teacher really does a great job teaching and understanding my kid.

He's patient, takes the time to explain things, and encourages my son, praising his efforts. You get once chance to get your kids interested in music. You want it to be a good experience. I am thrilled that we have piano music in our house. I also decided to start piano lessons next month, really excited." - G. P. Taylor‎
"What a wonderful teacher. I am loving my lessons.‎ What I really like is the variety of things I am learning. I get to read music, play by ear, do blues improv. It's great sitting at home, playing piano and enjoying my new skills. I had thought about taking lessons for over 20 years, and I am finally doing it. The lessons are fun and relaxed, and my teacher makes it a really nice experience. I look forward to coming away each week from my lessons with some new skills. I'm surprised at how quickly I am learning." 
- Melissa Brown‎

"My kids are excited about piano. Wonderful teacher, lots of fun. Our teacher is great and lots of fun. He works so well with kids. His approach to teaching is refreshing, and makes for very attentive kids. The lessons are challenging and fun. My kids are enthusiastic and engaged. They get praised and acknowledged for their efforts. They learn lots of fun and new pieces. Lord of the RIngs, Mission Impossible, Ode To Joy, and Beatles. 

They learn to read music, and write their own music. They have also made their own CD recordings of their music and videos of them playing. Glad I started my kids when I did. I am so happy with the lessons." 
- B. T. Reynolds‎
"Great teacher and lessons. He makes learning easy, just like it should be. A great teacher and lots of fun to work with. He makes learning to play the piano easy. I enjoy playing and learning new pieces. His approach to teaching piano is refreshing. I am reading music, playing by ear, and even learning blues improvisation. Even those weeks where I haven't practiced too much is no problem; We'll do something like theory, chords etc. Wish I had began lessons when I was a kid, but now that I have, I am really glad I did." - ‎M. Moting‎
"Really happy with our piano teacher. Playing has been my dream. I am really happy with our piano teacher. It's always been my dream to play piano. Our teacher was recommended by a friend who takes lessons there. So glad to find a good teacher who is super patient. My son & I both take lessons. We do 1/2 hour lesson each, once a week. 

My son loves doing cool things like Star Wars and Lion King. He also record his songs and is working on making his first CD. I enjoy playing classical music and also modern things like Enya, James Taylor. I also do Blues piano, which is lots of fun. Our teacher is also a composer, with two platinum records awards. We now are learning some duets together. We look forward to our lessons each week."  - sharonsimms‎
"Great teacher - Our daughter is doing so well.‎ My 9 year old daughter started piano lessons here. She learns reading music, playing by ear, improvisation, recording music, and lots of fun things that keep her interested. Her teacher is just great. He does a super job encouraging her, praising her accomplishments. 

The lessons are an important part of her week She is proud about playing piano. This is a good thing for her personally. She practices more than I ever expected. It's a pleasure to hear her play. I play a bit, and we have been doing some duets. What a nice feeling to play music together. We are so pleased with the piano lessons." - T. Edwins‎
"Really good teacher. Great progress as an adult beginner. I’ve been taking keyboard lessons for about 14 months. My teacher is so much fun to work with and that helps me be relaxed at the lessons. He has a great sense of humor. The lessons are a wonderful experience. It's a joy to learn to read all styles of music, and I am now learning to do blues improvisation.‎

My progress has been much faster than I thought. As an adult beginner, I came to the lessons with a bit of apprehension, but the lessons have turned out to be one of the high points of my week. I leave the studio feeling like I have really accomplished something. It just plain feels good. My teacher is so patient, that no matter, he’s right there moving me forward. I had been considering doing lessons for a long time, so I’m happy that I finally got started."  ‎- Maxwell Jones

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Piano Lessons & Keyboard Lessons
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Piano Lessons & Keyboard Lessons
Portland, Oregon
